Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Obama’s Amnesty Agenda (see also "Barack, your going to get me killed", this blog)
Obama’s Dept. of Justice has begun an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Dept. For what? you might ask. Is it shooting related? Has the Dept. been running drugs? Are there some other corruption charges being investigated? Perhaps some yet to be revealed plot against the Federal Government? Well, the last is perhaps closest to the truth. It would seem that Sheriff Joe Arpaio (the man we all want in charge of our county Sheriff Dept.’s) has had the audacity to actually enforce the laws against illegal immigration. It would seem that Sheriff Joe is looking at inmates of the system and determining their legal status in this country. If they are found to be here illegally, he places a hold on them and when their term is completed they are deported back to their country of origin. Humm, just like the law says.
The following is an excerpt (thanks to www.cnsnews.com) of a letter dated March 10, 2009, Loretta Smith, acting assistant attorney general at the DOJ, detailed what her department would be investigating:
"This is to inform you that the United States Department of Justice is commencing an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (''MCSO'') pursuant to the pattern or practice provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994,42 U.S.C. §14141 ("Section 14141") and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,42 U.S.C. § 3789d ("Safe Streets Act"), and pursuant to the prohibitions against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-7 ("Title Yr') and the Safe Streets Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)."
The letter continues: "The investigation will focus on alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures conducted by the MCSO, and on allegations of national origin discrimination, including failure to provide meaningful access to MCSO services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals."
"In conducting the investigation, we will seek to determine whether there are violations of the above laws by the MCSO."
Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Robert Scott (D-Va.) requested the investigation, and activists groups such as National Day Laborer Organizer Network and ACORN launched petition drives and rallies in support of the probe (according to CNSNEWS.com).
This is beyond belief. One of the designated duties of the Federal Government (the Fed) is to protect our borders and it is the one thing that it will not do. The Fed, led by both senate and house democrats since 2006 has done all but put out the welcome mat on the southern border and start sending busses to pick up everyone headed north and drive them to their desired destination. I can not understand the DOJ investigating a man for actively enforcing both state and federal law. These are people being jail for (amongst other things) forgery, kidnapping, aggravated assault, drug charges, robbery, murder, and theft. These are felons we are talking about and the Democrats and other liberal pressure groups want them staying here. These are the same people that want to give all the illegal immigrants drivers licenses. Now lets see, ACORN is being indicted on voter fraud charges at this time, and what is it that you have to present at the polling place to vote (at least here in Colorado)? That’s right, a drivers license. So not only do these people want these felons back out and roaming your streets, but they especially want them voting. And not only the felons, but all other illegal aliens too. The Democrats/leftist/socialists want to dilute your vote. They would rather give away the country then to give up their power. These people and organizations need to be stopped. The moral bankruptcy of the Democrat party and the Obama administration is on blatant display here. Not only is Obama (he has the say over DOJ) advocating the release of criminals back into American society, but he and congress (senate & house) are hanging a “come on in” sign on the southern border. Obama is putting an end to any thought or deed of protection for our country along the southern border whether that be fencing, border agents that can actually enforce border security, or even National troops (due to the deteriorating political situation in Mexico, and the rising heavy armed violence spreading north across our southern border). Obama has put a stop to the building of any fences. The protection of the borders is the business of the Fed, not schools, not health care, not taking over banks, not buying peoples mortgages, not regulating the private sector, and not persecuting a good man and his department for actually doing his job (and a dam good one too). The only business the Fed has in this case is sending as many busses or planes that the Sheriff needs to get these criminals out of our country and the troops to support his efforts. Does this make you feel ill? Call these people (be civil) and let them know what you think. If they don’t want to listen because you are not in their district, remind them that your political dollars spend just fine there in the hands of their opponents where you will be sending those dollars to.
Rep. John Conyers
Washington Office: 202-225-5126
Detroit Office: 313-961-5670
Trenton / Downriver Office: 734-675-4084
Rep. Jerrold Nadler
Tel. 212-367-7350
Tel. 718-373-3198
Rep. Zoe Lofgren
District Office
Telephone (408) 271-8700
Rep. Robert Scott
(757) 380-1000 Phone
(804) 644-4845 Phone
The following is an excerpt (thanks to www.cnsnews.com) of a letter dated March 10, 2009, Loretta Smith, acting assistant attorney general at the DOJ, detailed what her department would be investigating:
"This is to inform you that the United States Department of Justice is commencing an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (''MCSO'') pursuant to the pattern or practice provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994,42 U.S.C. §14141 ("Section 14141") and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,42 U.S.C. § 3789d ("Safe Streets Act"), and pursuant to the prohibitions against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-7 ("Title Yr') and the Safe Streets Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)."
The letter continues: "The investigation will focus on alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures conducted by the MCSO, and on allegations of national origin discrimination, including failure to provide meaningful access to MCSO services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals."
"In conducting the investigation, we will seek to determine whether there are violations of the above laws by the MCSO."
Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Robert Scott (D-Va.) requested the investigation, and activists groups such as National Day Laborer Organizer Network and ACORN launched petition drives and rallies in support of the probe (according to CNSNEWS.com).
This is beyond belief. One of the designated duties of the Federal Government (the Fed) is to protect our borders and it is the one thing that it will not do. The Fed, led by both senate and house democrats since 2006 has done all but put out the welcome mat on the southern border and start sending busses to pick up everyone headed north and drive them to their desired destination. I can not understand the DOJ investigating a man for actively enforcing both state and federal law. These are people being jail for (amongst other things) forgery, kidnapping, aggravated assault, drug charges, robbery, murder, and theft. These are felons we are talking about and the Democrats and other liberal pressure groups want them staying here. These are the same people that want to give all the illegal immigrants drivers licenses. Now lets see, ACORN is being indicted on voter fraud charges at this time, and what is it that you have to present at the polling place to vote (at least here in Colorado)? That’s right, a drivers license. So not only do these people want these felons back out and roaming your streets, but they especially want them voting. And not only the felons, but all other illegal aliens too. The Democrats/leftist/socialists want to dilute your vote. They would rather give away the country then to give up their power. These people and organizations need to be stopped. The moral bankruptcy of the Democrat party and the Obama administration is on blatant display here. Not only is Obama (he has the say over DOJ) advocating the release of criminals back into American society, but he and congress (senate & house) are hanging a “come on in” sign on the southern border. Obama is putting an end to any thought or deed of protection for our country along the southern border whether that be fencing, border agents that can actually enforce border security, or even National troops (due to the deteriorating political situation in Mexico, and the rising heavy armed violence spreading north across our southern border). Obama has put a stop to the building of any fences. The protection of the borders is the business of the Fed, not schools, not health care, not taking over banks, not buying peoples mortgages, not regulating the private sector, and not persecuting a good man and his department for actually doing his job (and a dam good one too). The only business the Fed has in this case is sending as many busses or planes that the Sheriff needs to get these criminals out of our country and the troops to support his efforts. Does this make you feel ill? Call these people (be civil) and let them know what you think. If they don’t want to listen because you are not in their district, remind them that your political dollars spend just fine there in the hands of their opponents where you will be sending those dollars to.
Rep. John Conyers
Washington Office: 202-225-5126
Detroit Office: 313-961-5670
Trenton / Downriver Office: 734-675-4084
Rep. Jerrold Nadler
Tel. 212-367-7350
Tel. 718-373-3198
Rep. Zoe Lofgren
District Office
Telephone (408) 271-8700
Rep. Robert Scott
(757) 380-1000 Phone
(804) 644-4845 Phone
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
I thought that I would take this time to expand on a subject that I touched on a while ago in a posting titled I Don’t want Him to Succeed… posted here Jan. 15th 2009. I have included that paragraph here:
Conservatism is; individual freedom, a belief in God and Country, American exceptionality, small government, taxes that are just, fair and equitable to all, capitalism (not necessarily big business), no monopolies (especially in the public school system), and a belief in the value of each and every person and their right to pursue life, liberty and happiness as their dream guides them. These are great products that we have for sale here! They appeal to all peoples regardless of color, ethnicity, gender or background. Each one of us is free to succeed to the highest level that we are personally capable of. There are no impediments except for ourselves and the limits that we harness to our backs such as the soft bigotry of liberalism/progressivism. All we need is a good salesman once again. The truths have not changed from the Reagan era. The "Shinning City on the Hill" is still right there to reach for despite the liberals/progressives calling it an illusion.
It has come to my attention not only by talking with other Republicans and Conservatives, but listening and watching the “talking heads” appearing in/on the MSM, that there is some need to change our message, to moderate our beliefs and to package ourselves like a chain store hamburger. To so convolute our message and beliefs that you are reduced to being able to only read speeches from teleprompters that have been run through the PC mill, to the point that it becomes a vacuous droning Democrat Presidential presentation. These are the same Republicans that would have us busy “reaching across the aisle” and negotiating our principles and values away. They are the reason that the party had to purge itself last election cycle. Conservatism does not require repackaging, in fact Conservatives Still Outnumber Liberals. We lost the last election because Republicans forgot their Conservative core and were removed from office for it. There is still some denial of this by some Republicans, but it is only by the ones that still refuse to listen to the base (and the majority makeup of America). Let them perk up their ears or suffer the same fate as the last tossed out bunch.
Conservatism does indeed have a great package of goods that sell themselves if truly brought to the electorate not only in word, but deed. Conservatives value each and every citizen not for the color of their skin, not for their social class and not for their gender identification. No, we are not like the Democrats in that respect, we value each person as an American, with abilities limited only by their own desires, with limits that are only placed by the individual themselves. Conservatives believe in a helping hand, not a handout. Conservatives believe that America is best served by a free society filled with people producing goods and services that everyone wants or needs. Conservatives believe that the only “indoctrination” that schools should be imparting to our children is reading, writing, arithmetic, and an understanding and love of this Greatest Nation, America. We have seen the left of this country trying to rule from the bench that parents no longer have a right to home school their children. One can only suspect that the left is in fear of not being able to indoctrinate your children.
Conservatism cares not what religion you are or are not. That is between the Maker and yourself. Conservatism is strong family ties and more parent involvement in child rearing than Government interference in the morals/values/religious choices that we have a right to make as parents. Conservatism does not require the coercion of government for giving to help the poor. Conservatives far and away give more than liberals, and they are giving of their own money, not others. Conservatives never, ever, live by the sweat of another’s brow. The do not believe that they deserve anything of anyone else’s. Conservatives are not jealous of those who have been more successful (in fact, they use them as models) nor are they disdainful of those of less success. Conservatives believe in judging all people by the content of their character, not treating any with the soft bigotry of the left, not catering to pressure groups, not advancing one American over another for the purposes of hiring, or admissions to school, or lending practices, but taking all people on the basis of merit alone. America affords each and every Citizen the opportunity to move up and down the social ladder, with all opportunity being equal, not the outcomes. Outcomes are based on personal initiative, and yes, each of us needs a little bit of luck. Luck favors the prepared, and Conservatives favor all to be prepared. From the time of FDR there have been groups that have allowed themselves to be made reliant upon the left of this country to fix their problems, have allowed the left to steal their lives, their liberty, and their happiness, whether that has been education, housing or jobs, and that promise has as yet gone unfulfilled by the left, who keeps saying “put us back in power and we’ll fix it this time”. The common good is not served by tearing down the rich, but by lifting up the poor. The poor are not helped by hand outs, but by changing their outlook, by giving them the means to look at themselves and take direction of their own futures. By showing them that the proximity to big government is proximity to failure and hopelessness, to the dissolution of the family and the continuance of despair. Conservatives are optimists and forward looking, always working for a better day and not blaming other for the state of their own affairs. Liberals live in a world full of hate and oppression, fear and jealousy, and the desire to tear success down rather than bring the needy up, thereby giving an example of why you should not be successful. Remember, the only racism on display in the last election cycle was from the left. It is worth noting the overt racism/bigotry of the new administration as well. We need to remember that it was the Republicans the pushed through civil rights in the 60’s. The left believes that “trickle down economics” can not work in a free capitalist society, but does believe that it works if the government coercively takes money and the government performs the “trickle down”.
The only thing lacking in the Republican Party right now is a charismatic Conservative able to present our beliefs, our “package” if you will. These are beliefs that we in fact share with a majority of Americans, and they require no moderation. They are in truth the message of hope and the promise of a better life for all Americans, not the oppression of bureaucrats taking away all hope of a better day and the pride of self sufficiency that is the true realization of the promise of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (I will expand on this in a future posting). There are several possible candidates on the radar, and the harder the left rails against them, the closer I believe that we are to a correct choice. The Nation is still center right at the least and overwhelmingly still Conservative, a fact that scares the left to even greater fits of hatred and fear. Beware the ugly consequences of leftist hate and bigotry throughout history. Conservatives merely ask that you consult your good conscience, we believe in the ability of the People to make good choices when they are not lied to by a media out of control and in the camp of socialist influence.
Conservatism is; individual freedom, a belief in God and Country, American exceptionality, small government, taxes that are just, fair and equitable to all, capitalism (not necessarily big business), no monopolies (especially in the public school system), and a belief in the value of each and every person and their right to pursue life, liberty and happiness as their dream guides them. These are great products that we have for sale here! They appeal to all peoples regardless of color, ethnicity, gender or background. Each one of us is free to succeed to the highest level that we are personally capable of. There are no impediments except for ourselves and the limits that we harness to our backs such as the soft bigotry of liberalism/progressivism. All we need is a good salesman once again. The truths have not changed from the Reagan era. The "Shinning City on the Hill" is still right there to reach for despite the liberals/progressives calling it an illusion.
It has come to my attention not only by talking with other Republicans and Conservatives, but listening and watching the “talking heads” appearing in/on the MSM, that there is some need to change our message, to moderate our beliefs and to package ourselves like a chain store hamburger. To so convolute our message and beliefs that you are reduced to being able to only read speeches from teleprompters that have been run through the PC mill, to the point that it becomes a vacuous droning Democrat Presidential presentation. These are the same Republicans that would have us busy “reaching across the aisle” and negotiating our principles and values away. They are the reason that the party had to purge itself last election cycle. Conservatism does not require repackaging, in fact Conservatives Still Outnumber Liberals. We lost the last election because Republicans forgot their Conservative core and were removed from office for it. There is still some denial of this by some Republicans, but it is only by the ones that still refuse to listen to the base (and the majority makeup of America). Let them perk up their ears or suffer the same fate as the last tossed out bunch.
Conservatism does indeed have a great package of goods that sell themselves if truly brought to the electorate not only in word, but deed. Conservatives value each and every citizen not for the color of their skin, not for their social class and not for their gender identification. No, we are not like the Democrats in that respect, we value each person as an American, with abilities limited only by their own desires, with limits that are only placed by the individual themselves. Conservatives believe in a helping hand, not a handout. Conservatives believe that America is best served by a free society filled with people producing goods and services that everyone wants or needs. Conservatives believe that the only “indoctrination” that schools should be imparting to our children is reading, writing, arithmetic, and an understanding and love of this Greatest Nation, America. We have seen the left of this country trying to rule from the bench that parents no longer have a right to home school their children. One can only suspect that the left is in fear of not being able to indoctrinate your children.
Conservatism cares not what religion you are or are not. That is between the Maker and yourself. Conservatism is strong family ties and more parent involvement in child rearing than Government interference in the morals/values/religious choices that we have a right to make as parents. Conservatism does not require the coercion of government for giving to help the poor. Conservatives far and away give more than liberals, and they are giving of their own money, not others. Conservatives never, ever, live by the sweat of another’s brow. The do not believe that they deserve anything of anyone else’s. Conservatives are not jealous of those who have been more successful (in fact, they use them as models) nor are they disdainful of those of less success. Conservatives believe in judging all people by the content of their character, not treating any with the soft bigotry of the left, not catering to pressure groups, not advancing one American over another for the purposes of hiring, or admissions to school, or lending practices, but taking all people on the basis of merit alone. America affords each and every Citizen the opportunity to move up and down the social ladder, with all opportunity being equal, not the outcomes. Outcomes are based on personal initiative, and yes, each of us needs a little bit of luck. Luck favors the prepared, and Conservatives favor all to be prepared. From the time of FDR there have been groups that have allowed themselves to be made reliant upon the left of this country to fix their problems, have allowed the left to steal their lives, their liberty, and their happiness, whether that has been education, housing or jobs, and that promise has as yet gone unfulfilled by the left, who keeps saying “put us back in power and we’ll fix it this time”. The common good is not served by tearing down the rich, but by lifting up the poor. The poor are not helped by hand outs, but by changing their outlook, by giving them the means to look at themselves and take direction of their own futures. By showing them that the proximity to big government is proximity to failure and hopelessness, to the dissolution of the family and the continuance of despair. Conservatives are optimists and forward looking, always working for a better day and not blaming other for the state of their own affairs. Liberals live in a world full of hate and oppression, fear and jealousy, and the desire to tear success down rather than bring the needy up, thereby giving an example of why you should not be successful. Remember, the only racism on display in the last election cycle was from the left. It is worth noting the overt racism/bigotry of the new administration as well. We need to remember that it was the Republicans the pushed through civil rights in the 60’s. The left believes that “trickle down economics” can not work in a free capitalist society, but does believe that it works if the government coercively takes money and the government performs the “trickle down”.
The only thing lacking in the Republican Party right now is a charismatic Conservative able to present our beliefs, our “package” if you will. These are beliefs that we in fact share with a majority of Americans, and they require no moderation. They are in truth the message of hope and the promise of a better life for all Americans, not the oppression of bureaucrats taking away all hope of a better day and the pride of self sufficiency that is the true realization of the promise of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (I will expand on this in a future posting). There are several possible candidates on the radar, and the harder the left rails against them, the closer I believe that we are to a correct choice. The Nation is still center right at the least and overwhelmingly still Conservative, a fact that scares the left to even greater fits of hatred and fear. Beware the ugly consequences of leftist hate and bigotry throughout history. Conservatives merely ask that you consult your good conscience, we believe in the ability of the People to make good choices when they are not lied to by a media out of control and in the camp of socialist influence.
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What a Dolt

Guess he is just checking the shine on his shoes. Last I checked the President of the United States bows to no one. What a continuing embarrassment this man is.
Just because you Need to Know
Algore: Crook, scam scam scam
This Guy has had it with "Made in China", and just about everything else....priceless
(foul language alert, no kids in the room on this one)
Well, what can I say? This just about covers it all
Our Marines, Then and Now!
God bless our Armed Forces! My fear is that these outstanding men and women will not be signing back up under the present "Commander and Chief" and other fine young men and women will not look to careers in the Armed Forces of our Beloved United States.
This Guy has had it with "Made in China", and just about everything else....priceless
(foul language alert, no kids in the room on this one)
Well, what can I say? This just about covers it all
Our Marines, Then and Now!
God bless our Armed Forces! My fear is that these outstanding men and women will not be signing back up under the present "Commander and Chief" and other fine young men and women will not look to careers in the Armed Forces of our Beloved United States.
What Would Reagan Say?
Renaldus Magnus in His Own Words
Waiting for someone like this to stand up here!
And just because this guy got it right and his cohorts are such dolts!
Will this apply to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, stations that carry Air America or most news papers in America? Perhaps it will apply to academia and to teaching programs. Perhaps it will be comming to a blog near you! Even this one? Equal time for those who have most of the media in their hip pocket? No? Think it might pass constitutional muster? Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I thought we left this behind in 1945.
As if 1 trillon dollars is not enough, here is some of the goody package for our "friendly ignorant peasents" from south of the border. Please see post "Barack, You're Going to Get Me Killed"
Finally, the glimmer of a spine!
Waiting for someone like this to stand up here!
And just because this guy got it right and his cohorts are such dolts!
Will this apply to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, stations that carry Air America or most news papers in America? Perhaps it will apply to academia and to teaching programs. Perhaps it will be comming to a blog near you! Even this one? Equal time for those who have most of the media in their hip pocket? No? Think it might pass constitutional muster? Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I thought we left this behind in 1945.
As if 1 trillon dollars is not enough, here is some of the goody package for our "friendly ignorant peasents" from south of the border. Please see post "Barack, You're Going to Get Me Killed"
Finally, the glimmer of a spine!