MSM says attendance equal; you decide

MSM says attendance equal; you decide
8/28/10 10/2/10

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad
We "Deem" that you have surrendered your Constitutional rights and you will be Gate Raped....


I can almost....feel you

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Robert Reich: Obama's House Bigot

What can I say? Lets just get right to Mr. Reich in his own words.

Not to go to umm skilled... umm professional... ummm white men. What do “high social returns” have to do with repressing and discriminating against “white male construction workers” or anyone for that matter? Never have I heard this type of speech uttered in the halls of American government. And to have it seconded by none other than Charle Rangel is simply unbelievable. I can't believe that they had the nerve to do it on camera. What other bigoted policy's are being discussed by Obama and his house lackeys (always remembering what the liberals called black people in the Bush Administration ie house N-----) where NO recording is available? Had this type of thing been said about, let's say, black people there would be careers ruined and possibly (well, to be frank almost certainly) riots. Here is some of the "change" that everyone who voted for Obama was in "hope" of. The most amazing thing about this is that the Main Stream Media will not cover or report this in any way. Obama owns this one. I hope they allocate extra money to cover all the law suits that will be filed. Rest assured that if we continue down this particular road of bigotry/race preference/discrimination our culture war will become more than just a war of words and ideas. I don't care if they make it legal, jury nullification sometimes works as it should. But I forget; there are those so called "Americans" who applaud this type of behavior. Thanks liberals for destroying my country. I will remember who you are and what you did.

Friday, January 30, 2009

David Frum: Conservative, Republican or Closet Liberal?

According to his latest post in the National Post titled “David Frum: What's good for Rush Limbaugh is bad for Republicans”, we find Mr. Frum drawing correlations and conclusions that are not indicated by the data as he states it. He is picking his data to support a position that he as already reached and simply wants to convince you of. His title would be better stated as “What’s good for Conservatism is not relevant to today’s Republicans”. Let us go through his post and look at his data and unpack his assumptions.

Frum: “Gallup’s latest polling reveals the continuing collapse of the Republican Party's base vote. The news is so very bad that there will be only one possible response from GOP party leadership and our radio talkers: Ignore it.” And “Overall: 36% of Americans now identify as Democrats and only 28% as Republicans.” He also states that “State by state, the numbers look even worse. In only 7 states do more Americans identify as Republicans than as Democrats”.

In fact Conservatives Still Outnumber Liberals and the threat that conservatives would “sit out” or otherwise punish Republicans in power for being to far left is what came true. According to the American Thinker, 59% or more of Americans polled (by The Battleground Poll, the most respected and thorough of all public opinion polls) self identify as conservative. You are more likely to find Conservatives identifying as Conservatives and specifically not as Republican and they will correct you if you call them Republican. Conservatives are conservative first and Republican second or not at all. Mr. Frum it is you identifying Conservatives as Republicans. The Republican Party represented by people who, like you, equivocate their core beliefs and are the problem with the base showing up at the polls. You may rest assured that they don’t pull a liberal lever.

Frum: “Republicans in Congress are even less popular than Bush”.

One might expect that. The highly polarized left will never support or even sit quietly while anyone with an “R” behind his or her name has any power. The low marks come from the base not seeing much difference between “borrow and spend” Republicans and “tax and spend” liberals. In fact, Conservatives were too slow to stop the “Liberal” Republicans. According to John Hawkins writing in Pajamasmedia “All that was necessary for the Democrats to triumph was for conservatives to do nothing.” Tell me, Mr. Frum, do you believe that by moving to the left that you will really grow the Party? How far left do you suggest that the Party go? If you have lost almost 60% of the voting (conservative public) do you think that you will get them back by moving farther left? Mr. Frum, if you think that the Republican Party needs to slide further left, you might rethink that.

Frum: When Republicans line up behind Rush Limbaugh in this way, they are dividing the country 80-20 against themselves. The GOP's supreme priority now has to be to reinvent itself as a pragmatic, inclusive, modern party”

As we have seen above, the self identified Conservatives of this country are 59% or better. The last election had 59 million voters on the Republican side and 69 million on the socialist side. His 80-20 split is simply untrue. So the Party has to be pragmatic and inclusive; Mr. Frum fails to tell you just how pragmatic he would like the Party to be. Perhaps he would advocate that we compromise away our belief that individual freedom and responsibility are the primary movers of American Greatness and not Government? Perhaps he would enjoin us to embrace the (minority opinion) belief that marriage is between any two beings, not one man and one woman? Perhaps we could compromise away our fundamental belief that the life of a child is sacred and should always be protected? And maybe we could all just forget about that pesky second amendment and turn in all our guns. I am sure that the Conservatives will line up to be voting for Republicans that trod down the path to Socialism by either acting like today’s Democrats or compromising with them. We frankly find that we are too far separated in our belief systems with the Democrats to compromise with them and they NEVER compromise anything.

Frum: “Rush and Hannity and O’Reilly and Ann Coulter and the others have their place and their role.” And “The relationship between these radio talkers and the larger Republican and conservative world has become parasitic and antagonistic. They flourish and profit to the extent they can polarize and radicalize.”

No Mr. Frum, they do not polarize and radicalize, they answer the naked hatred and vitriol that is spewed by the left of this country; the left that you would like the Party to compromise with and be more like. No, Mr. Frum the above mentioned people more surly represent the overwhelmingly large percentage of the American population that is Conservative and is being stabbed in the back by people like you who are unsure of their own beliefs and are unable to truly read the tea leaves. Stabbed by the politicians that they refused to support with money and their attendance at the polls. Stabbed by a Party that has left its base. You sir are the problem, your beliefs sir, are at the heart of the matter and the way that you will bend over at the slightest wind and trade your core beliefs for the chimera of leftist thought and partnership. It is your ilk that will be holding the lamp, as all of us are lead to dull eyed servitude under the darkness of socialism while you sing out that we have not yet compromised enough. Sir, put a cork in it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Don't want Him to Succeed...

It started out as the smallest twinge, it morphed into a nagging back ache, and has metastasized into what could be a deadly cancer for the Republican party; the belief that we must moderate our ideas, compromise our principles and negotiate our beliefs away to the hard left Democrats. "We must reach across the aisle and compromise" we are told. It is said that we must come from a moderate right position to counter what is referred to as the moderate left. The moderate left is as powerless as the Republican Party at this time. Get over it boys and girls, we’re playing with the Hard left; there are no negotiations, there are no prisoners. The left never compromises what it wants. If you don’t think so just go negotiate with Pelosi, see if you even have ahold of the stick let alone the short end. Go pull a good man’s "Moderate Republican" reputation (George W. Bush) out of the ditch where the liberals/progressives lied it to. Yes, that’s right, they lie. They lie more than they tell the truth because with the left it is all about outcomes, not how you get there. Anything is game if it gets you what you want. What other group could acknowledge one of their own, Bill Clinton, as a liar, and yet admire him for it because he was so good at it? Hell, the press was impressed with that particular skill.

It is true that I take a hard line conservative stance on public policy and against liberal/progressive views, but what I have seen lately from so-called Republicans is spineless. I have not been shouted down, yet, for holding and espousing a strong conservative view, but I have been admonished that “they have a valid point of view (liberal/progressive) too.” No, they don’t. History has proven this time and time again. Liberalism/progressivism fails every time it is tried. The only reason to listen to them is to better able yourself to refute their socialist ideas/ideals and addenda’s. The Republican Party is doomed to continual defeat as it is currently structured and positioned, with moderates like McCain filling the halls of power in the party. The party needs to be taken back to being the “party of Reagan”, and the moderates, and the hard left live in fear of this.

Now we have all heard it said that we “must get behind the Obama and support him” and that we must all “wish him success”. I don’t think so. I will not be supporting Obama and I do not wish him success. His success is a socialist agenda that is not in keeping with mine or the Founders vision of America. Individual freedom is our credo, not group grievances. The freedom to pursue your hopes and dreams knowing that nothing, especially government, will stand in your way. Freedom from government coercion to instill value sets on our children that are inconsistent with our families’ beliefs. The freedom to choose who, what and where you will be, and not as the “member” of some leftist power group that must be appeased. America is not the Race peddlers, the color counters, the "I'm offended group" or the angry mob demanding the properties of others. No, America is not the things that Obama has promised and stands for. I do not wish him success. His success is the failure of the Great American Experiment and the abolition of the American Dream. His success is the dull outlook of a socialist drone.

Conservatism is the path to a bright and shining future for America. We see it beginning to happen in Europe where they have struggled under socialist governments for decades. They are coming out of their “second dark ages” and moving towards, as the people are demanding, conservatism and its empowering feature, capitalism. Let us hope for the sake of Western Civilization that it remembers who and what it is and that it is not some form of Marx.

Conservatism is; individual freedom, a belief in God and Country, American exceptionality, small government, taxes that are just, fair and equitable to all, capitalism (not necessarily big business), no monopolies (especially in the public school system), and a belief in the value of each and every person and their right to pursue life, liberty and happiness as their dream guides them. These are great products that we have for sale here! They appeal to all peoples regardless of color, ethnicity, gender or background. Each one of us is free to succeed to the highest level that we are personally capable of. There are no impediments except for ourselves and the limits that we harness to our backs such as the soft bigotry of liberalism/progressivism. All we need is a good salesman once again. The truths have not changed from the Reagan era. The "Shinning City on the Hill" is still right there to reach for despite the liberals/progressives calling it an illusion.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Bit More Or A Lot Less

As the new year comes upon me, I thought I might drop a few words along a topic that I heard in passing, namely, what or who would you like to hear less about or just plain wish it or they would go away. I thought that I might expand it to include what I might like to see more of in the news and American life in general.

Now surely one of the first family names that come to mind in wishing that they would fall off of the planet is “Kennedy”. For God’s sake will these people never go away? I have heard it said “it just wouldn’t be right without a Kennedy in the senate”. Oh really? Let’s give it a go. The graveyards are full of indispensable men. Not that Teddy K. is that. Caroline K. is just a joke. Please God, less of these two.

Next on the “oh my God, not again” list is surely the Clinton’s. This is the nightmare that just keeps coming back. How long do you think it will be until Chelsea is called deserving of the Senate seat for New York? Deserving how? You thought you had enough of this dysfunctional family when Slick Willy was President. You have most of the players back now, and if you think the world hates us now wait until that lamp-throwing shrew gets overseas. Good God, I thought the Kennedy’s were bad.

This one makes my fingers stall but here we go. Barney Frank. We will henceforth refer to him as “Elmer” or “Elmer Fudd”. This guy should be put under oath and grilled about the housing collapse that he and Chris Dodd (by his mention here he is included in the get lost wish), amongst others, are guilty of perpetrating on us. Throw’em in the dungeon and out from in front of the cameras. I am tired of seeing a homosexual Pimp (yep, running out of his house) having the power of a House seat and the shame that he brings to it. God, give them what they deserve.

How about most of the MSM and the Hollywood elite (Barbara Streisand and her so called “truth alerts” top of the list.) Babs wouldn’t know or tell the truth any better than the MSM. This paragraph covers most of the “please get off our planet” dimwits. God, if there are aliens, please let them come and get these folks.

Some of the things that we could use more of are
1) A firmer but fair hand on our children. Remembering always that we are here to guide them into a quality and independent adulthood, not be lead around by their whims and “protecting” them from everything that will be a part of their normal lives once they hit the real world.
2) A media that does not disparage our Christian heritage or belief. Christians don’t go around chopping peoples heads off. Evil is not hard to find, but the MSM must have the courage to look it in the eye. Pray they develop a Moral sense.
3) The power to take back our children from a government that uses the school system to indoctrinate and subvert our morals and beliefs. I will teach my children what they need to know about life and so will most God Fearing familys. Rest assured.
4) The strength and belief in community that used to come with a full spirtual life and thereby an involvement with the community. Not by government demand, not by socialist expections of the new generations, but by a love of God and fellow man. This is being forgotten.

Much more could and should be said, but I leave it to each and every one of you to ask this of yourself and mull over this simple yet revealing question. In its answers are the sickness and the strengths of our Great Nation.

What a Dolt

What a Dolt
Guess he is just checking the shine on his shoes. Last I checked the President of the United States bows to no one. What a continuing embarrassment this man is.

Just because you Need to Know

Algore: Crook, scam scam scam

This Guy has had it with "Made in China", and just about everything else....priceless
(foul language alert, no kids in the room on this one)

Well, what can I say? This just about covers it all

Our Marines, Then and Now!
God bless our Armed Forces! My fear is that these outstanding men and women will not be signing back up under the present "Commander and Chief" and other fine young men and women will not look to careers in the Armed Forces of our Beloved United States.

What Would Reagan Say?

Renaldus Magnus in His Own Words

Waiting for someone like this to stand up here!

And just because this guy got it right and his cohorts are such dolts!

Will this apply to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, stations that carry Air America or most news papers in America? Perhaps it will apply to academia and to teaching programs. Perhaps it will be comming to a blog near you! Even this one? Equal time for those who have most of the media in their hip pocket? No? Think it might pass constitutional muster? Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I thought we left this behind in 1945.

As if 1 trillon dollars is not enough, here is some of the goody package for our "friendly ignorant peasents" from south of the border. Please see post "Barack, You're Going to Get Me Killed"

Finally, the glimmer of a spine!