MSM says attendance equal; you decide

MSM says attendance equal; you decide
8/28/10 10/2/10

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad
We "Deem" that you have surrendered your Constitutional rights and you will be Gate Raped....


I can almost....feel you

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Wrong Parden

So, today we have Obama pardoning the Thanks Giving turkey while the brave United States Navy Seals that caught a highly wanted terrorist are being court martialed for giving the beast a fat lip. If I had caught the filty goat there would not have been enough left of him to fill a teaspoon. I am compelled to say, "what a clueless and ignorant twit occupies the White House."

Hats off to our brave military personnel!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sickened by the "Peoples House"

I have been quiet too long.

I am appalled…

I am dismayed by the lack of composure and attentiveness by the United States House of Representatives. This is supposed to be the “peoples” house and has been proven to be anything but.

I am astonished by the total disregard by the representatives of the people to do just that; represent the people.

I am sickened by those that would steal from they who work to support they that leach. Society can support a certain small amount of that, but this will be the death of America.

It is time to speak the truth; the present administration would appear bent on the ruin of America. Its purpose would appear to be the destruction of western values and the free market system. I would suggest that all American Patriots ready their rifles, they undoubtedly will shortly be needed at this rate. “Health Care” as passed by the House is enough to not only peel away your rights, but then Mrs. Pelosi is poised to thrust the dagger of “cap and trade” into your back while they stand ready to bring out the pall bearers for the American Constitution.

Rest assured, they are coming for you. They are coming for your guns, they are coming for your land, they are coming for your God, they are coming for any and all other tangible assets that you might possess, whether those be cash, precious metals or “trade goods” (food or anything else they can “re-distribute”); any means that you might have made for yourself (others deserve it more than you who worked for it.) I will burn it in the street first. Just wait until OSHA shows up to “inspect” your home to be sure that you are following a safe way to a safer safety (or whatever other bureaucrats that they feel should have sway over you, your family, your home), and when they find that you are not doing things just the way they want they will “tax” you for it.

I, for one, will not pay Mrs. Pelosi’s mandated amount on “health care”, nor will I pay her 2% tax on my income. I will not be taken to jail and will not pay the 250,000 fine. I will defend my rights at the front step of my door. Personally Mrs. Pelosi, I don’t think there are enough jail cells in the U.S. to house all of us that will refuse to bow down to you. Rest assured Mrs Pelosi, when they come to get me, I will fight back. I am sick to the bone and have had ENOUGH. You will extract no more slave labor from me. I, and millions of others that you CHOSE not to hear, have had enough. I have lived long enough to see the change that you and your ideology have wrought in this country and it is not good. In fact, what you have done can only be described as evil. I am hunkered down and will be ducking my head even harder to avoid you and your ilk, but rest assured, I know how to deal with you and your sorry sad-sack crowd if you show up at my door.

What’s next? The “Civilian force as powerful as the United States Military”? 1984 hell, it’s 1932.

What a Dolt

What a Dolt
Guess he is just checking the shine on his shoes. Last I checked the President of the United States bows to no one. What a continuing embarrassment this man is.

Just because you Need to Know

Algore: Crook, scam scam scam

This Guy has had it with "Made in China", and just about everything else....priceless
(foul language alert, no kids in the room on this one)

Well, what can I say? This just about covers it all

Our Marines, Then and Now!
God bless our Armed Forces! My fear is that these outstanding men and women will not be signing back up under the present "Commander and Chief" and other fine young men and women will not look to careers in the Armed Forces of our Beloved United States.

What Would Reagan Say?

Renaldus Magnus in His Own Words

Waiting for someone like this to stand up here!

And just because this guy got it right and his cohorts are such dolts!

Will this apply to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, stations that carry Air America or most news papers in America? Perhaps it will apply to academia and to teaching programs. Perhaps it will be comming to a blog near you! Even this one? Equal time for those who have most of the media in their hip pocket? No? Think it might pass constitutional muster? Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I thought we left this behind in 1945.

As if 1 trillon dollars is not enough, here is some of the goody package for our "friendly ignorant peasents" from south of the border. Please see post "Barack, You're Going to Get Me Killed"

Finally, the glimmer of a spine!