MSM says attendance equal; you decide

MSM says attendance equal; you decide
8/28/10 10/2/10

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad

In Order to Fly....Subject to the whims of Janetillia Incompitano and her Goon Squad
We "Deem" that you have surrendered your Constitutional rights and you will be Gate Raped....


I can almost....feel you

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

I'm from the Goverment and I'm here to help

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Injustice Doctrine

The growing cacophony of outrage on the leftist/progressive/socialist side over the popularity of AM talk radio is only exceeded by their smug elitist attitudes. These people are not sated with the ideological control of, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, most local TV stations, most newspapers and all of academia. No, they just can’t understand why it is that “Progressive” radio talk is soon taken off of the air. Well, lets just see if we can shed a little light on it for those who are only able to look down their noses at the “little people” out here who they “know better” for.

Exhibit A; the pots and pans bangers over at Daily Kos. Yes, the “good” folks over at the “Daily Toss your meal” are a vulgar bunch. This is the hate filled, book burning, expletive-shouting hoard that “Progressive” radio aims at. They and their ilk are the ones whining about free speech and then attacking (yes, physically) any Conservative speaker that might show up at a College or other forum for open speech or debate. They (Progressive Radio) think that they are viewed as "appealing" to Middle America and its’ values, but as demonstrated by the market forces (no audience, no advertisers) they are removed from the air as not only unprofitable, but a money pit. Who do they think that they will interest in their shows that do not already listen to them? Surely they don’t believe that those of us listening to and paying for Conservative talk radio will either listen OR support their sponsors. No, no more than they support OUR sponsors. They are a bunch lead not by reason or logic, but by pure emotion. It is truly a wonder that they simply don’t drop dead of heart failure. Their blood pressure must be for the record books. “Progressive” radio is nothing but the same incoherent rant that you get in places like Kos and frankly, it just doesn’t sell very well. Hey, I know! Daily Toss, go support Air America! I’m sure that it will soon supplant all the now popular shows like Rush, Laura E., Hannity, Hewitt, Prager, Medved and Gallagher, just to name a few of the highly commercially successful shows. They are successful not only without Government, but because of no Government interference. Bet you wish your so-called “ideas” sold as well. If it is merely a matter of putting it on the air and it will be popular, take up a collection from your pots and pans bangers and put it up! Call your local AM station and tell them YOU will sponsor it! You will make a financial killing no doubt!

The balance in AM talk radio is, in fact, already a matter of course. Conservative Talk Radio IS the balance to all the “news” organizations mentioned in the first paragraph (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.). The callers, who are taken regardless of their political philosophy also balance Conservative Radio. In fact, leftists are usually put on the air in preference to other callers as they demonstrate the reason that programs like air America fail. We heard Slick Willy complain about the backing of "big money" for Conservative Radio, but fails to mention the truly big money of George Soros who writes the checks for air America. Or does Soros see that it is a bottomless pit? The so called “fairness Doctrine” is nothing short of the attempt by the hard left “Progressives” to control access to news and to control thereby thought. It is an attempt to lead people to arrive at the conclusion that it (leftist/progressive/socialist) wants them to. This used to be called Propaganda or even brain washing. The most oppressive and totalitarian governments in history have always practiced it. Sadly, this has been and continues to be an overt symptom of the true and underlying sickness of leftist/progressive/socialists. They (leftist/progressive/socialists) have lead the most oppressive and terrible governments in history that have, each and every time, seized control of the means of disseminating news/information/teaching to the masses, turning it into indoctrination to their social/political ideology, usually descending finally to physical or mental coercion (see Mao, Stalin, Marx, Castro, Kim Jong il, Kim il Sung, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh, Lennin, the list really is endless, and the left owns them all.) I can get their leftist/progressive/socialist views any time I turn on the TV or pick up a paper, Conservative Radio and the internet is all I have.

The vacuousness of “progressive” arguments is the basis of their failure in the marketplace of ideas. What they don’t understand is that their socialist representatives are in power now because the Republican Party went through a house cleaning and tossed out most of the RINO’s. We won’t play nice when we are back in power 2010. The only reaching across the aisle to be done is to get our hands around your lying throats. The selection of Clinton retreads, tax dodgers and other miscreants and reprobates by Obama to surround and advise him, is surely something that you will want to trumpet on your “soon to be successful” radio shows! Perhaps “Progressive Radio” can highlight the Poll Cheating Pornographer Al Franken’s use of ballot box stuffing/voter fraud by Acorn before the election, and the stuffing of the ballot box after the election (as necessary) by various officials “finding” uncounted ballots (funny they are always Franken votes) in the quantities necessary to “put him back in the lead.” I just don’t know why “Progressive” radio does not take over the market with such grand ideas and such outstanding and upright people that the hard left is so populated with. Go ahead “Progressives”, show us all what you really are and take us back in time to the Fairness Doctrine, or shall we call it the Injustice Doctrine?

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What a Dolt

What a Dolt
Guess he is just checking the shine on his shoes. Last I checked the President of the United States bows to no one. What a continuing embarrassment this man is.

Just because you Need to Know

Algore: Crook, scam scam scam

This Guy has had it with "Made in China", and just about everything else....priceless
(foul language alert, no kids in the room on this one)

Well, what can I say? This just about covers it all

Our Marines, Then and Now!
God bless our Armed Forces! My fear is that these outstanding men and women will not be signing back up under the present "Commander and Chief" and other fine young men and women will not look to careers in the Armed Forces of our Beloved United States.

What Would Reagan Say?

Renaldus Magnus in His Own Words

Waiting for someone like this to stand up here!

And just because this guy got it right and his cohorts are such dolts!

Will this apply to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, stations that carry Air America or most news papers in America? Perhaps it will apply to academia and to teaching programs. Perhaps it will be comming to a blog near you! Even this one? Equal time for those who have most of the media in their hip pocket? No? Think it might pass constitutional muster? Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I thought we left this behind in 1945.

As if 1 trillon dollars is not enough, here is some of the goody package for our "friendly ignorant peasents" from south of the border. Please see post "Barack, You're Going to Get Me Killed"

Finally, the glimmer of a spine!